Sequencer (SEQ8)
...[The] SEQUENCER (SEQ8) [is] a module with only two rows of output presets, but with 8 stages of sequencing in only four inches... As in the Touch Keyboard, the length of sequences can be programmed interactively via the pushbuttons: thus sequence lengths can be changed in performance while a sequence is running. Other sequencing capabilities include PRESET, UP/DOWN, HOLD pulse inputs, and a switch to START or STOP the sequencer. A unique feature is the A-B output (read A minus B). This outputs the difference between the voltages available separately at A and B, a feature resulting in interesting harmonic effects when the three outputs are controlling VCOs.
Active Processor (ACPR)
The ACTIVE PROCESSOR (ACPR) is an accurate, linear cross-fader for either control voltages or audio signals. This module provides an important link in complex patches, allowing the user to smoothly change from one control voltage to another. It is possible to cross-fade between different envelopes, for example, or to gradually switch control over a bank of oscillators from one output of a sequencer to another output. A scaling buffer is included in the bottom section to further invert and process control voltages.
VC TimeGen Clock (TGC)
The VC TimeGen Clock has the left cell "blue" out being an asymmetrical triangle wave & "red" out being a 50% duty cycle square wave output which stays constant through the manual "freq" POT range in combination with the "both" position selected w/ external CV -- BUT with the ability to modify the duty cycle (pulse width) of the output(s) using external CV source from either the front or the back of the pulse by selecting "rise" or "fall" on the CV source select switch. That way you can create syncopation in the rhythm patches & pulse width mod in the audio range use.
The right cell has DTG functionality, just like the CV TimeGen OSC.
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