Sequencer (SEQ8)
...[The] SEQUENCER (SEQ8) [is] a module with only two rows of output presets, but with 8 stages of sequencing in only four inches... As in the Touch Keyboard, the length of sequences can be programmed interactively via the pushbuttons: thus sequence lengths can be changed in performance while a sequence is running. Other sequencing capabilities include RESET [Ty: or PRESET], UP/DOWN, HOLD pulse inputs, and a switch to START or STOP the sequencer. A unique feature is the A-B output (read A minus B). This outputs the difference between the voltages available separately at A and B, a feature resulting in interesting harmonic effects when the three outputs are controlling VCOs.
Analog Shift Register w/ input attenuator pot (ASR)
The ANALOG SHIFT REGISTER (ASR) is a sequential sample and hold module for producing arabesque-like forms in musical space (see diagram). Whenever pulsed, the previously held voltage is sent down the line to three consecutive outputs to produce the electrical equivalent of a canonic musical structure. A pulse output permits linking two or more Analog Shift Registers together to form longer patterns. The DUAL ANALOG SHIFT REGISTER (2ASR) is available for high-density systems.

The ACTIVE PROCESSOR (ACPR) is an accurate, linear cross-fader for either control voltages or audio signals. This module provides an important link in complex patches, allowing the user to smoothly change from one control voltage to another. It is possible to cross-fade between different envelopes, for example, or to gradually switch control over a bank of oscillators from one output of a sequencer to another output. A scaling buffer is included in the bottom section to further invert and process control voltages.
Dual Voltage Controlled Clock (CLK)
[Similar to VC TimeGen Clock (TGC)]
Pulse Divider (PDIV)
From Carbon111's Serge Modular Index:
"I think this is one of Rex's creations. Looks simple enough: feed a pulse train in, get multiple simultaneous divided outputs. Other pulse dividers I've seen from other manufacturers provide outputs that are powers of two (2,4,8,16...) but don't provide 5,6, or 7 or any odd-numbered divisors. Providing the odd divisors aids greatly in creating polyrhythms."
Boolean Logic (BLOG)
From Carbon111's Serge Modular Index:
"This is the best way to combine triggers together in various ways. Of course, can be used for making audio too. One guy says he uses it as a blinky-lite indicator to show the status of signals in his system. This is one of Rex's ideas, offering two inverters, and OR, AND, and XOR gates."
4-Stage Sequencing Programmer (SQP4)
Years ago Serge Modular manufactured a four-stage Sequencer Programmer which was discontinued when the sixteen stage Touch Keyboard Sequencer came into production. Musicians have often wondered what happened to it, since they liked its economy, and the fact that its modest dimensions did not tie up an entire Panel for a couple of preset voltages. Our new line of Sequencer Programmers was designed to fill this need. These new controllers are far more powerful than our early model, however, since we have incorporated most of the functions which have proven so successful in the Touch-Keyboard.
Features common to all the SEQUENCER PROGRAMMERS (SQP4-8) include the ability to be used as push-button, manual programmers and/or as multi-versatile sequencers. As in the Touch Keyboard, the length of sequences can be programmed interactively via the pushbuttons: thus sequence lengths can be changed in performance while a sequence is running. Other sequencing capabilities include PRESET, RESET, UP/DOWN, HOLD pulse inputs, and a switch to START or STOP the sequencer. PULSE STAGE SELECT inputs allow triggers from other modules to turn specific stages on... A unique feature is the A-B output (read A minus B). This outputs the difference between the voltages available separately at A and B, a feature resulting in interesting harmonic effects when the three outputs are controlling VCOs.
The real power of the new shorter length Sequencer Programmers, however, is their use in tandem with one another. Two sequencers are more interesting than one. They can be phased one against the other with the same or separate clocks. They can be patched to interact with each other, providing an incredibly varied palette of rhythmic patterns. A master unit can control one or more slave sequencers, resulting in highly controllable flurries of tonal sequences being modulated both harmonically and rhythmically.
[Ty: More can be said about how the following inputs work while under clock control:
- STAGE SELECT buttons/inputs: The last STAGE SELECT button pressed (or input triggered) determines the first step in the sequence.
- RESET: A pulse received at this input resets the sequence to stage 1 for one complete cycle, after which the sequence returns to its programmed start stage. For example, a sequence that starts at stage 2 (having been set that way using the STAGE SELECT buttons or inputs) will return to stage 1 when RESET goes high. At the end of the sequence it will resume starting from stage 2.
- PRESET: A pulse received at this input resets the sequence to the first stage in the programmed cycle. For example, a sequence that starts at stage 2 (having been set that way using the STAGE SELECT buttons or inputs) will return to stage 2 when PRESET goes high.
- UP/DOWN: 0V to +2.5V (i.e. state=low) causes the sequence to run backward; +2.5V to +5V (i.e. state=high) causes the sequence to run forward. The sequence will continue running in its current direction until the state changes from high to low, or vice versa. (See further notes below)
- HOLD: 0V to +2.5V (i.e. state=low) causes the sequence to run; +2.5V to +5V (i.e. state=high) causes the sequence to stop. The sequence will remain stopped until the voltage state goes low.
Further notes about the UP/DOWN input: If the programmed first stage is 1, the sequence will stop at stage 1 when the direction is reversed. It will require pressing another STAGE SELECT button (e.g. the button at the other end) to resume movement. Likewise, when the direction is changed again, the sequence will stop at the final stage corresponding to the previous button pressed. It will require pressing another STAGE SELECT button or triggering its input (e.g. at the other end) to resume movement.
To use the UP/DOWN input without the sequence stopping, set the starting stage to anything besides the first or last available stage.
All input jacks respond to gates or triggers, but based on the behaviors described above, STAGE SELECT, RESET and PRESET are more oriented to triggers, and UP/DOWN and HOLD are more oriented to gates.]
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